Story of Seasons, one of the game in the Harvest Moon series, typical original Harvest Moon game with a twist. By typical, I meant the dreading hours you spent on the game half asleep, doing repetitive actions : Water, Fertilize, Harvest, Brush, Milk, Clip, Feed, Give gifts.
Yes, you still have to do these as much as you wish it would be much easier.
I would say, money is easier to get now with the 3 x 3 squares rather than the 1 square at a time harvesting. Therefore, your profit would be 9 times your 1 square typical Harvest Moon plot.
However, of course, the difficulty would be much harder.
Even the game mocks you with a 30 years in game trophy to unlock.
The storyline of Story of Seasons is basically........unlocking all the vendors.
Want to know how to unlock them?
Ship 1 million G worth of shippings which is no longer through shipping box but through the vendors and.......voila~ 5 vendors for you to ship to~
However, this is where the game really starts.
Unlocking the other two, while not too hard, is tedious
I've been playing Story of Seasons for awhile now, and since the blog has been dead for very long, I decided to at least post something. These are screenshots of my post on miiverse~~