Saturday, June 9, 2012

Heartful Chance Walkthrough

Kouhei Route:

>>Just don't mind us....hehehee<<

>>What are you doing up there?<<

>>If head comes out, I am going to write the love letter Kouhei requested<<

>>I hope she will love it<<

>>I..I'm just admiring you<<

>>Call Kouhei<<

Henri Route:

>>They are asking me something....hehehee<<

>>Who are you?!?<<

>>If it's a tail, I won't write anything<<


  1. I love this game, the expressions on the characters faces and what they say make me laugh so much xD

  2. This game is awesome! I totally cringed in kouhei's route when he offered to help her with the 100 problem homework, and she offered to let him use the calculator on her computer. I was torn between laughter and being unable to look at the screen during that particular 'scene' - poor Eimi!

  3. Boa, ich liiiiieeebbeeeee Henri <3
    Er is so süß und lieb und cool und HAT VERDAMMT COOLE HAARE!*-*

  4. I really want download this game :< But all link ...

  5. i love the story that isn't complicated like the others. this game is like reality and so funny. i laughed so badly when aya tried to chat kouhei in facenot and he was offline, lol and when kouhei said there's something wrong with aya's laptop. hahaha , really everytime i remember that i laugh so much, the expressions is awesome. and henri is a realistic person. i really love this game !!


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